Dr. Dominique Spigner | CEO & Mental Health Therapist
Group Therapy Practice
Physical Address:106 Morgan Street, Suite B., Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455
Mailing Address: PO Box 1756, Mount Pleasant, Texas 75456-1756
T: (903) 563-5568
F: (877) 415-3699
Dominique Spigner, LLC Mental Health Therapy
Group Practice
Office Hours:
Office Open/Assistants Available
For Inquiries/Calls:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am (CST) to 5:00 pm (CST)
8:00 am (CST) to 12:00 pm (CST)
Office Closed:
Sundays & Holidays
Therapist Are Available to See Clients:
Monday - Friday:
8:00 am (CST) to 7:00 pm (CST)
8:00 am (CST) to 12:00 pm (CST)
Dr. Spigner Out of Office:
Every Friday the month of August, 2024.
Clinical Supervision Information:
Dominique Spigner, LLC ®
Clinical Supervision Schedule:
for Texas Social Workers:
Weekday Schedule:
Virtual Zoom Meeting Platform
Two Fridays a Month
11:00 am (CST) to 1:00 pm (CST)
-- OR --
1:00 pm (CST) to 3:00 pm (CST)
Year 2024:
January 12 and 26
February 9 and 23
March 8 and 22
April 5 and 19
May 3 and 17
June 14 and 28
July 12 and 26
August 9 and 23
September 6 and 20
October 4 and 18
November 1 and 15
December 6 and 20
Weekend Schedule:
Virtual Zoom Meeting Platform
Two Saturdays a Month
8:00 am (CST) to 10:00 am (CST)
Year 2024:
January 13 and 27
February 10 and 24
March 9 and 23
April 6 and 20 (Meeting at 7:00 am on April 20th)
May 4 and 18
June 15 and 29
July 13 and 27
August 10 and 24
September 7 and 21
October 5 and 19
November 2 and 16
December 7 and 21
To sign-up, email:
For more info, visit the
"SERVICES INFO" or "PURCHASE SERVICES" tab in the at the top of this website.
Welcoming Our
New Company Vehicle!!
Beep, Beep!! Give us a honk if you see us out in public!!
Exciting Announcement!
We Now Offer Emotional Support Animal (ESA) for individuals
and NEXUS Letters for Military Members.
Book a Mental Health Therapy Consultation/Assessment Today!
(903) 563-5568